These Kids Today!
I have been told that the first person to ask, What’s this younger generation coming to?”, was Socrates. I don’t know if that is technically true, but I am absolutely true that it could be true
Just for the record, this younger generation is just fine. The ones you hear about on TV are the same ones who dropped acid and attended Woodstock in the 60’s…the same ones who wore Bobby socks and screamed for Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Elvis…you know, the kids who great up to be us.
Whenever I hear some expert on TV trying to seek a book or get ratings for his (or her ) show by talking about the “fact” that our country has never been more divided, I just want to have a two-word response. “Civil War.”
Time marches on. We had our chance to make things better and now, they have theirs. It is the natural order of things. By the way, it is also the natural order for us to sit around and gripe about the job they’re doing.